Sedan några år tillbaka samarbetar vi på Stamford med systerbolaget Addnode India, och har via dem anställt ett antal utvecklare som sitter i indiska Pune. Tanken var att öka takten i utvecklingsarbetet för att få ut nyheter och förbättringar snabbare.
I dag har det blivit ett etablerat arbetssätt att våra medarbetare i Sverige jobbar tillsammans med sina indiska kollegor i olika projekt. Sverige och Indien ligger förstås i olika tidszoner, men med tydliga uppdragsbeskrivningar och täta avstämningar flyter arbetet på bra. Ibland kan det till och med vara en fördel att den du samarbetar med jobbar medan du själv ligger och sover.
De som jobbar inom vår indiska verksamhet hjälper Stamford med utvecklingsprojekt framför allt när det gäller våra kunder inom Hamn och terminal.
Till vår verksamhet i Indien söker vi oftast utvecklare.
Milon jobbar inom vår indiska verksamhet
Milon Antony, who has a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from Cochin, works at Addnode India in Pune. Through the cooperation with Stamford he has gotten to visit Swedish Karlstad which was quite different to the Indian working environment.
– Offices in India are typically located in corporate buildings, with a lot of people. Here in Karlstad, it’s nice to have a bigger working space, and it is a good setup. It also helps that the office is not in a cluster of office buildings, but near the middle of town and by a lake! It feels refreshingly different and well-located, he says.
Milon mostly works with Ports and Terminals and during his visit to Sweden he got to visit the ports in Norrköping and Malmö.
– It was a new perspective to see how a port works and how our product is integrated into their day-to-day activities. This will indeed be very useful going forward.
– I like to work with problem-solving, that is something I really enjoy. The team in Karlstad is very open and very approachable. It’s not just about work, but you also get to make personal connections and experience something new and useful from the culture here. Of course, when you are working across different countries, there will be a lot of differences. But I see this as something good, and something that I’m lucky to experience, ends Milon Antony.
Thomas Slånmark
Ansvarig chef